Case Study: Streamline Online Booking System for Local Cleaning Business

by | Mar 3, 2024 | Appointment Reminder | 0 comments

TalkHeap is customizable, making it suitable for various types of businesses, including the ones in cleaning services. You can try using Appointment Reminder by TalkHeap to coordinate with your clients regarding their cleaning reservations. Let’s see how it can benefit your business!


Problems in Local Cleaning Business

One of our precious clients runs a cleaning business. Every day can be a struggle as they need to manage the schedules of team members and clients. Some of the typical problems are:

  • Dealing with multiple requests from clients with different needs and preferences

  • Assigning staff for each client and avoiding schedule conflicts

  • Time inefficiency as admin staff needs to manually call customers from time to time to remind them of the service reservation.

  • Handling cancellations and no-shows from clients that waste your staff’s time and resources.

  • Loss of potential income from unconfirmed cancellations could put a crucial financial risk for the business.



Solutions Tailored for Cleaning Service Agencies

Appointment Reminder by TalkHeap is the solution that can make a significant impact on this issue. Here is how this app helps this cleaning service agency:

  • Set up personalized reminders for each client in advance. Without the need for manual reminders, your staff can focus more on more meaningful tasks, thus improving time efficiency.

  • Choose the best method of communication that suits the preference of each clients: email, text, or voice call. Effectively reduce the risk of no-shows and forgotten bookings.

  • Get instant confirmation from your clients with a simple reply. It much easier for clients to inform a cancelation.

Results and Improvement in the Business

After using Appointment Reminder by TalkHeap, our client reported an impressive improvement in their cleaning business. Here are some of the results they achieved:

  • The prevalence of sudden cancellations dropped by 75% and so did the number of clients who forgot their bookings.

  • The staff could be more productive as they no longer needed to waste time and resources on unconfirmed or canceled orders.

  • The business could increase its revenue by 15% as it could take in more clients to fill the void schedules.

  • The client satisfaction and loyalty increased as they appreciated the convenience and professionalism of the service.


You can also use Appointment Reminder for your internal teams as well. The reminders ensure they get ready and depart accordingly, so they are never late on every visit. This automated system is also helpful in coordinating your team when a staff member is unable to attend as assigned, so you can have someone else fill the position.

Contact us today to try this app for your business!