
Fakt zdarma Fax

Poskytujte skutečně zdarma faxové služby, které umožňují uživatelům získat zdarma kredity sledováním reklam nebo stažením naší aplikace.


Sledovat reklamy pro získávání kreditů

Získejte další faxy zdarma sledováním reklamy nebo sdílením odkazu, nebo si stáhněte naši aplikaci pro více možností.


Mezinárodní fax

Faxy můžete posílat globálně zdarma (ano, dokonce i mezinárodní faxy).


Žádná kreditní karta

Absolutně žádné závazky. Užijte si naše služby bez potíží s poskytováním kreditní karty. Je to opravdu bez závazků!


Zaručené dodání

Okamžitě dokončete úlohu přenosu faxu z místního do cíle.


Soukromé zabezpečení

Optimalizace šifrování faxu zajišťuje, že informace nejsou odhaleny.

Sender Info
Receiver Info
Document Pages

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the country code for the Czech Republic ?
The country code belonging to the Czech Republic is: +420
Related region code?
To check the Czech Republic region code, please Click here
Related businesses or festivals in the Czech Republic ?
The Czech Auto Show showcased the latest automotive technology and innovation, attracting local and international car manufacturers.
How many credits does it cost to send a page?
Need to spend 14 credits per page to Czech Republic
What is free fax ?
Free fax, as the name suggests, refers to the ability to send and receive faxes without paying the long-distance call fees or other additional fees required for traditional fax services
How to quickly get started ?
1. Register/Login Account. 2. Fill in sender information. 2. Fill in recipient information. 4. Add fax files.
How to ensure the security of fax?
Free fax services typically use encryption technology to protect the security of your documents. During transmission, fax files are encrypted to ensure that only the intended recipient can decrypt and view the content.
What is the legal effect of free fax services?
Faxes sent using free fax services have the same legal effect as traditional faxes, as long as they meet relevant legal requirements, such as including the sender's signature and date. However, when using it for legal or formal documents, it is recommended that you consult a legal professional to ensure that the fax meets all necessary legal standards.
If I don't use fax frequently, do I still need to cancel my free fax service account?
Our free fax service does not require users to cancel their accounts when not in use. If you don't use it frequently, your account may remain activated without incurring any fees, as free services typically do not involve subscription fees.
Does the free fax service support international fax sending?
Some free fax services may support international fax sending, but there are usually certain limitations. At present, it may only be allowed to send numbers to specific countries/regions. Please refer to the optional country/region in the recipient information to confirm if there is a target location you need.